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Managing users

Every command should be ran as the akkoma user from it's home directory. For example if you are superuser, you would have to wrap the command in su akkoma -s $SHELL -lc "$COMMAND".

From source note about MIX_ENV

The mix command should be prefixed with the name of environment your Akkoma server is running in, usually it's MIX_ENV=prod

Create a user

./bin/pleroma_ctl user new <nickname> <email> [option ...]
mix pleroma.user new <nickname> <email> [option ...]


  • --name <name> - the user's display name
  • --bio <bio> - the user's bio
  • --password <password> - the user's password
  • --moderator/--no-moderator - whether the user should be a moderator
  • --admin/--no-admin - whether the user should be an admin
  • -y, --assume-yes/--no-assume-yes - whether to assume yes to all questions

List local users

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user list
mix pleroma.user list
 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user invite [option ...]
mix pleroma.user invite [option ...]


  • --expires-at DATE - last day on which token is active (e.g. "2019-04-05")
  • --max-use NUMBER - maximum numbers of token uses

List generated invites

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user invites
mix pleroma.user invites

Revoke invite

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user revoke_invite <token>
mix pleroma.user revoke_invite <token>

Delete a user

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user rm <nickname>
mix pleroma.user rm <nickname>

Delete user's posts and interactions

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user delete_activities <nickname>
mix pleroma.user delete_activities <nickname>

Sign user out from all applications (delete user's OAuth tokens and authorizations)

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user sign_out <nickname>
mix pleroma.user sign_out <nickname>

Activate a user

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user activate NICKNAME
mix pleroma.user activate NICKNAME

Deactivate a user and unsubscribes local users from the user

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user deactivate NICKNAME
mix pleroma.user deactivate NICKNAME

Deactivate all accounts from an instance and unsubscribe local users on it

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user deactivate_all_from_instance <instance>
mix pleroma.user deactivate_all_from_instance <instance>
 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user reset_password <nickname>
mix pleroma.user reset_password <nickname>

Disable Multi Factor Authentication (MFA/2FA) for a user

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user reset_mfa <nickname>
mix pleroma.user reset_mfa <nickname>

Set the value of the given user's settings

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user set <nickname> [option ...]
mix pleroma.user set <nickname> [option ...]


  • --admin/--no-admin - whether the user should be an admin
  • --confirmed/--no-confirmed - whether the user account is confirmed
  • --locked/--no-locked - whether the user should be locked
  • --moderator/--no-moderator - whether the user should be a moderator

Add tags to a user

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user tag <nickname> <tags>
mix pleroma.user tag <nickname> <tags>

Delete tags from a user

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user untag <nickname> <tags>
mix pleroma.user untag <nickname> <tags>

Toggle confirmation status of the user

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user confirm <nickname>
mix pleroma.user confirm <nickname>

Set confirmation status for all regular active users

Admins and moderators are excluded

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user confirm_all
mix pleroma.user confirm_all

Revoke confirmation status for all regular active users

Admins and moderators are excluded

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user unconfirm_all
mix pleroma.user unconfirm_all