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Installing in Docker


This guide will show you how to get akkoma working in a docker container, if you want isolation, or if you run a distribution not supported by the OTP releases.

If you want to migrate from or OTP to docker, check out the migration guide.

Prepare the system

  • Install docker and docker compose
  • Docker
  • Docker-compose
  • This will usually just be a repository installation and a package manager invocation.
  • Clone the akkoma repository
  • git clone -b stable
  • cd akkoma

Set up basic configuration

cp docker-resources/env.example .env
echo "DOCKER_USER=$(id -u):$(id -g)" >> .env

This probably won't need to be changed, it's only there to set basic environment variables for the docker compose file.

Building the container

The container provided is a thin wrapper around akkoma's dependencies, it does not contain the code itself. This is to allow for easy updates and debugging if required.


This will generate a container called akkoma which we can use in our compose environment.

Generating your instance

mkdir pgdata
./docker-resources/ mix deps.get
./docker-resources/ mix compile
./docker-resources/ mix pleroma.instance gen

This will ask you a few questions - the defaults are fine for most things, the database hostname is db, the database password is akkoma (not auto generated), and you will want to set the ip to

Now we'll want to copy over the config it just created

cp config/generated_config.exs config/prod.secret.exs

Setting up the database

We need to run a few commands on the database container, this isn't too bad

docker compose run --rm --user akkoma -d db 
# Note down the name it gives here, it will be something like akkoma_db_run
docker compose run --rm akkoma psql -h db -U akkoma -f config/setup_db.psql
docker stop akkoma_db_run # Replace with the name you noted down

Now we can actually run our migrations

./docker-resources/ mix ecto.migrate
# this will recompile your files at the same time, since we changed the config

Start the server

We're going to run it in the foreground on the first run, just to make sure everything start up.

docker compose up

If everything went well, you should be able to access your instance at http://localhost:4000

You can ctrl-c out of the docker compose now to shutdown the server.

Running in the background

docker compose up -d

Create your first user

If your instance is up and running, you can create your first user with administrative rights with the following task:

./docker-resources/ mix pleroma.user new MY_USERNAME MY_EMAIL@SOMEWHERE --admin

And follow the prompts

Reverse proxies

This is a tad more complex in docker than on the host itself. It

You've got two options.

Running caddy in a container

This is by far the easiest option. It'll handle HTTPS and all that for you.

mkdir caddy-data
mkdir caddy-config
cp docker-resources/Caddyfile.example docker-resources/Caddyfile

Then edit the TLD in your caddyfile to the domain you're serving on.

Copy the commented out caddy section in docker-compose.yml into a new file called docker-compose.override.yml like so:

version: "3.7"

    image: caddy:2-alpine
    restart: unless-stopped
      - akkoma
    ports: [
      - ./docker-resources/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
      - ./caddy-data:/data
      - ./caddy-config:/config

then run docker compose up -d again.

Running a reverse proxy on the host

If you want, you can also run the reverse proxy on the host. This is a bit more complex, but it's also more flexible.

Follow the guides for source install for your distribution of choice, or adapt as needed. Your standard setup can be found in the Debian Guide

You're done!

All that's left is to set up your frontends.

The standard from-source commands will apply to you, just make sure you prefix them with ./docker-resources/!

Installing Frontends

Once your backend server is functional, you'll also want to probably install frontends.

These are no longer bundled with the distribution and need an extra command to install.

You must run frontend management tasks as the akkoma user, the same way you downloaded the build or cloned the git repo before. But otherwise, for most installations, the following will suffice:

./bin/pleroma_ctl frontend install pleroma-fe --ref stable
# and also, if desired
./bin/pleroma_ctl frontend install admin-fe --ref stable
mix pleroma.frontend install pleroma-fe --ref stable
mix pleroma.frontend install admin-fe --ref stable
./docker-resources/ mix pleroma.frontend install pleroma-fe --ref stable
./docker-resources/ mix pleroma.frontend install admin-fe --ref stable

For more customised installations, refer to Frontend Management

Updating Docker Installs

git pull
./docker-resources/ mix deps.get
./docker-resources/ mix compile
./docker-resources/ mix ecto.migrate
docker compose restart akkoma db

Modifying the Docker services

If you want to modify the services defined in the docker compose file, you can create a new file called docker-compose.override.yml. There you can add any overrides or additional services without worrying about git conflicts when a new release comes out.

Further reading


If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the install process, feel free to ask at

Or message via IRC on #akkoma at (port 6697, SSL)