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AP Extensions

Actor endpoints

The following endpoints are additionally present into our actors.

  • oauthRegistrationEndpoint (


Points to MastodonAPI /api/v1/apps for now.


Emoji reactions

Emoji reactions are implemented as a new activity type EmojiReact. A single user is allowed to react multiple times with different emoji to the same post. However, they may only react at most once with the same emoji. Repeated reaction from the same user with the same emoji are to be ignored. Emoji reactions are also distinct from Like activities and a user may both Like and react to a post.


Misskey also supports emoji reactions, but the implementations differs. It equates likes and reactions and only allows a single reaction per post.

The emoji is placed in the content field of the activity and the object property points to the note reacting to.

Emoji can either be any Unicode emoji sequence or a custom emoji. The latter must place their shortcode, including enclosing colons, into content and put the emoji object inside the tag property. The tag property MAY be omitted for Unicode emoji.

An example reaction with a Unicode emoji:

  "@context": [
      "@language": "und"
  "type": "EmojiReact",
  "id": "",
  "actor": "",
  "nickname": "akko",
  "to": ["https://remote.example/users/diana", ""],
  "cc": [""],
  "content": "🧡",
  "object": "https://remote.example/objects/9f0e93499d8314a9"

An example reaction with a custom emoji:

  "@context": [
      "@language": "und"
  "type": "EmojiReact",
  "id": "",
  "actor": "",
  "nickname": "akko",
  "to": ["https://remote.example/users/diana", ""],
  "cc": [""],
  "content": ":mouse:",
  "object": "https://remote.example/objects/9f0e93499d8314a9",
  "tag": [{
    "type": "Emoji",
    "id": null,
    "name": "mouse",
    "icon": {
      "type": "Image",
      "url": ""


Although an emoji reaction can only contain a single emoji, for compatibility with older versions of Pleroma and Akkoma, it is recommended to wrap the emoji object in a single-element array.

When reacting with a remote custom emoji do not include the remote domain in content’s shortcode (unlike in our REST API which needs the domain):

  "@context": [
      "@language": "und"
  "type": "EmojiReact",
  "id": "",
  "actor": "",
  "nickname": "akko",
  "to": ["https://remote.example/users/diana", ""],
  "cc": [""],
  "content": ":hug:",
  "object": "https://remote.example/objects/9f0e93499d8314a9",
  "tag": [{
    "type": "Emoji",
    "id": "https://other.example/emojis/hug",
    "name": "hug",
    "icon": {
      "type": "Image",
      "url": "https://other.example/files/b71cea432b3fad67.webp"

Emoji reactions can be retracted using a standard Undo activity:

  "@context": [
      "@language": "und"
  "type": "Undo",
  "id": "",
  "actor": "",
  "to": ["https://remote.example/users/diana", ""],
  "cc": [""],
  "object": ""

User profile backgrounds

Akkoma federates user profile backgrounds the same way as Sharkey.

An actors ActivityPub representation contains an additional backgroundUrl property containing an Image object. This property belongs to the "sharkey": "" namespace.

Quote Posts

Akkoma allows referencing a single other note as a quote, which will be prominently displayed in the interface.

The quoted post is referenced by its ActivityPub id in the quoteUri property.


Old Misskey only understood and modern Misskey still prefers the _misskey_quote property for this. Similar some other older software used quoteUrl or quoteURL.
All current implementations with quote support understand quoteUri.


  "@context": [
      "@language": "und"
  "type": "Note",
  "id": "",
  "actor": "",
  "to": ["https://remote.example/users/diana", ""],
  "cc": [""],
  "context": "",
  "content": "Look at that!",
  "quoteUri": "http://remote.example/status/85717e587f95d5c0",
  "contentMap": {
    "en": "Look at that!"
  "source": {
    "content": "Look at that!",
    "mediaType": "text/plain"
  "published": "2024-04-06T23:40:28Z",
  "updated": "2024-04-06T23:40:28Z",
  "attachemnt": [],
  "tag": []


Akkoma assigns all posts of the same thread the same context. This is a standard ActivityPub property but its meaning is left vague. Akkoma will always treat posts with identical context as part of the same thread.

context must not be assumed to hold any meaning or be dereferencable.

Incoming posts without context will be assigned a new context.


Mastodon uses the non-standard conversation property for the same purpose (named after an older OStatus property). For incoming posts without context but with converstions Akkoma will use the value from conversations to fill in context. For outgoing posts Akkoma will duplicate the context into conversation.

Post Source

Unlike Mastodon, Akkoma supports drafting posts in multiple source formats besides plaintext, like Markdown or MFM. The original input is preserved in the standard ActivityPub source property (not supported by Mastodon). Still, content will always be present and contain the prerendered HTML form.

Supported mediaType include: - text/plain - text/markdown - text/bbcode - text/x.misskeymarkdown

Post Language


This is also supported in and compatible with Mastodon, but since doesn’t document it yet it is included here. GoToSocial has a more refined version of this which can correctly deal with multiple language entries.

A post can indicate its language by including a contentMap object which contains a sub key named after the language’s ISO 639-1 code and it’s content identical to the post’s content field.

Currently Akkoma, just like Mastodon, only properly supports a single language entry, in case of multiple entries a random language will be picked.
Furthermore, Akkoma currently only reads the content field and never the value from contentMap.

Local post scope

Post using this scope will never federate to other servers but for the sake of completeness it is listed here.

In addition to the usual scopes (public, unlisted, followers-only, direct) Akkoma supports an “unlisted” post scope. Such posts will not federate to other instances and only be shown to logged-in users on the same instance. It is included into the local timeline.
This may be useful to discuss or announce instance-specific policies and topics.

A post is addressed to the local scope by including <base url of instance>/#Public in its to field. E.g. if the instance is on it would use

An implementation creating a new post MUST NOT address both the local and general public scope as:Public at the same time. A post addressing the local scope MUST NOT be sent to other instances or be possible to fetch by other instances regardless of potential other listed addressees.

When receiving a remote post addressing both the public scope and what appears to be a local-scope identifier, the post SHOULD be treated without assigning any special meaning to the potential local-scope identifier.


Misskey-derivatives have a similar concept of non-federated posts, however those are also shown publicly on the local web interface and are thus visible to non-members.

List post scope

Messages originally addressed to a custom list will contain a listMessage field with an unresolvable pseudo ActivityPub id.

Deprecated and Removed Extensions

The following extensions were used in the past but have been dropped. Documentation is retained here as a reference and since old objects might still contains related fields.

Actor endpoints

The following endpoints used to be present:

  • uploadMedia (


Inspired by, it is part of the ActivityStreams namespace because it used to be part of the ActivityPub specification and got removed from it.

Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Parameters: - (required) file: The file being uploaded - (optional) description: A plain-text description of the media, for accessibility purposes.

Response: HTTP 201 Created with the object into the body, no Location header provided as it doesn't have an id

The object given in the response should then be inserted into an Object's attachment field.